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OMA Services, LLC Notary and Accounting Services

Notary Certificate Forms

Individual Acknowledgment

Individual Acknowledgment

An Individual Acknowledgment certificate is used when an individual is signing and acknowledging on his or her own behalf. This is very common document for a notary in North Carolina, at OMA Services, LLC we will gladly assist with act of notarization.

Corporate Acknowledgment

Corporate Acknowledgment

A Corporate Acknowledgment certificate is used when a duly authorized corporate officer or representative is signing and acknowledging on behalf of a corporation; very common for Outer Banks area. OMA Services, LLC will assist with notarization quickly and with ease.

 Such designated officers may include the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and attorney in fact. As an entity under law, a corporation has many of the legal rights of a person and may legally commit itself when a corporate officer signs on behalf of the corporation and a notary of OMA Services will complete the notarial part.

Partnership Acknowledgment

Partnership Acknowledment

OMA Services, LLC assist with the Partnership Acknowledgment. Certificate is used when an individual is signing and acknowledging on behalf of a partnership, as one of the partners or as a duly appointed agent. It may be used for the acknowledgment of more than one signing partner, but only if these individuals appear before the Notary at the same time.

Attorney in Fact Acknowledgment

Attorney in Fact Acknowledgment

The Attorney in Fact Acknowledgment certificate is used when a person is signing and acknowledging as attorney in fact on behalf of another individual, the principal. OMA Services, LLC strongly recommends to get your attorney be involved in drafting this form.

The attorney in fact has the legal authority to sign for the principal and is said to have power of attorney for the principal. On the document to be notarized, the attorney in fact signs both the name of the principal (e.g., “Michael T. Smith, principal”) and his or her own name (e.g., “John R. Allen, attorney in fact”).

Subscribing Witness

Proof of Execution of Subscribing Witness

The subscribing-witness  certificate is typically used when a principal signer, who cannot appear before the Notary, directs a third party (the subscribing witness) to witness that principal’s signing or acknowledging of a document and then to bring the signed document to the OMA Services, LLC Notary to vouch for its execution. 


This witness signs (subscribes) on the same document and takes an oath or affirmation, pledging truthfulness, from the Notary. The witness should be personally known by the Notary, or identified by a credible witness whom the Notary personally knows.


In most states including Outer Banks, North Carolina, a proof of execution by a subscribing witness is a legally acceptable substitute for an acknowledgment by the principal signer. It is never an acceptable substitute for a jurat, however, which requires the principal to sign and take an oath in the Notary’s presence.


A subscribing-witness certificate is often referred to as a “witness jurat,” because the subscribing witness must be put under oath and sign the document. A subscribing witness is sometimes known as an “executing witness.” 


Notarial Certificate for a Verification

of NON - Subscribing Witness 

A notary in North Carolina can perform a notarial act for a non-subscribing witness through a verification or proof process. 

This process involves OMA Services, LLC Notary certifying that: 

  • The non-subscribing witness appeared in person 

  • The notary is personally known to the non-subscribing witness or has satisfactory evidence of their identity 

  • The non-subscribing witness is not a party to or beneficiary of the transaction 

  • The non-subscribing witness took an oath or affirmation 

  • The non-subscribing witness certified that they recognize the signature of the principal or subscribing witness and that the signature is genuine 

There is a limited exception to the rule that the principal must appear in person before the notary. This exception is for verification or proof, as defined in G.S. § 10B-3(28)

Verification on Oath or Affirmation

Verification on Oath or Affirmation

If no other format is prescribed, this certificate may be used to present to OMA Services, LLC Notary, when an individual is signing and swearing (or affirming) that certain written statements are true.

Verification on Oath or Affirmation w/ affiant Statement

Verification on Oath or Affirmation with Affiant Statement 

If no other format is prescribed, this certificate may be used when an individual is signing and swearing (or affirming) that certain written statements are true in the North Carolina for OMA Services, LLC Notary for notarization.


The text space provided (lines 1–6) is available for a document signer to type or neatly print (in ink) a written statement. This portion of the certificate should not be completed by the Notary. A person completing any of lines 1–6 must sign this form on line 7 in the presence of the Notary, who would also administer an oath or affirmation.


If this verification on oath or affirmation is to be attached to another document, then the Notary should cross out lines 1–7. The signer would affix a signature on the attached document, not on this certificate, in the Notary’s presence.

Affidavit for Legal Proceeding

Affidavit for Legal Proceedings

An affidavit is a written statement that a person swears to be true, which is often used in legal proceedings. Affidavits are similar to taking on oath in court, but the signer, aka the AFFIANT, signs the documents instead of swearing it out loud. Please be sure to realize OMA Services, LLC can't assist with selecting form for notarization. It must be selected/drafted by the client.


Will executed

Certification of Will Already Executed and Attested

An attested written Will is one that is signed by the Testator (a person who has made a will or given a legacy) and attested by at least TWO competent witnesses, and otherwise meets the requirements of N.C. Gen. Stat. paragraph 31-3.3. It is strongly recommended to involve your attorney in drafting, before the document is presented to OMA Services, LLC Notary.

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